Back in the saddle!

My first attempt at getting this blog going was, for all intents and purposes, a flop. After quite a bit of downtime, a changing in hosting, and (gasp!) a domain name, let’s try this again. Maybe I’ll do a better job of updating… maybe. ;-)

I’m alive!

Sorry folks, I got swallowed up by school for a bit there.  But now it’s summer time, and the livin’s easy…  I’ll start updating more regularly (and maybe get a domain ;-)).  In the meantime, the Sox have been doing pretty well.  At least, if you count out Wells’ knee and Matt Clement”s… Matt Clement. 8-)

Not another blog!

Oh yes, another one. ;-) Given that the market is saturated with blogs right now, I thought it would be a perfect time to add my own! I’ll be littering this space with sports news and happenings–mostly of the Red Sox variety–and my own musings on them.

Alas, the Patriots are out of the playoffs. :-(